Anomia - A Tongue Twister Edition?
Ok people, here's something new and and a little experimental for you. And it's FREE.
I just posted a new Print & Play deck to our ever growing Print & Play Library. Behold the Anomia Tongue Twister deck!
Gameplay is essentially the same as regular Anomia, except for one important thing. Instead of shouting out a category you have to quickly, and successfully, say the tongue twister on your opponents card THREE TIMES, before they can do the same for your card.
Sounds easy, right? Actually, no it doesn't really sound that easy. Though it does sound pretty fun to me.
Check it out and please let me know what you think.
If you are not familiar with the concept of Print & Play games: Well, basically, Print & Play is kind of a thing in the world of gaming. Lots of indie game designers publish their games as P&Ps only. Lots of big game companies also publish versions of their games as P&Ps. The idea is simple. Download the PDF, print it out, cut out the cards and start playing.
If you want to get fancy, you can print on card stock, in full color. Or, for the quick and dirty approach, just print them out on regular paper, in black and white. It's totally up to you.
Hope you have some fun with this one!
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