Custom Deck Contest Winner
Waaaaay back in September of 2021 I ran a contest where the prize was a totally custom deck of Anomia cards. For a variety of reasons I never shared any photos of the winner and their totally unique deck, but now the wait is over!
Congrats to Todd K! I worked with Todd to come up with a unique set of Anomia category cards. Then, he ran the list by his family to gather additional ideas. Once we had the final list, I got to work on creating their 100% custom-made Anomia deck!

Some of my favorite categories are:
- Awful Smell
- Batman Sound Effect
- Classic Rock Band
- Felix Hidey Hole Location (I think Felix is Todd's cat.)
- Marching Band Song
- Minecraft Material
- "Mystery Science Theater" Character
- "Step Brothers" Quote
- What I Broke Last
Can you tell that all the kids in Todd's house are boys? : )

I'm not offering custom decks as a service just yet. But...if you are really interested in making one, feel free to reach out to me. Depending on my schedule, it might just be possible...maybe, no promises!
If you are just itching to make your own custom deck, you can snag a copy of our FREE Print & Play PDF and get to work!
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